Level Up Your SaaS Content Marketing Strategy

Alex Tchouangwa
July 3, 2022
 min to read

A central component of any successful revenue-driving digital marketing strategy is the planning and execution of an engaging content calendar structured around your SaaS product. The content should be designed to lead your prospects through their customer decision journey, answering objections, providing relevant information, and positioning your brand as a thought leader. 

Sharing specialist pieces of content allow you to frame your company as the go-to industry expert. However, this isn’t where your content marketing strategy should end; there is a range of solutions that you can implement to refine your content strategy further to drive bottom line revenue and improve your marketing ROI:

1. Having Content Hubs

Publishing relevant content that your target audience and industry find useful will support your customer base with valuable insights and tools from your resource library. Releasing eBooks, how-to guides, templates, and other industry-specific resources will build the foundation for brand thought leadership that positions your business/SaaS product as the most credible and viable solution. 

Every piece of content you publish should be a deep dive into your industry with the intent of helping your customers grow. For example, MailChimp provides excellent insights and resources on their website, leveraging resource guides, case studies, founder profiles, and their input on trending topics. 

2. Podcast Appearance To Showcase Your Expertise

If you currently aren’t in a position to start your podcast or don’t already have one, reaching out to existing podcasts in your industry featuring one as an industry expert is an excellent way to build brand awareness. Podcasts not only allow you to cast a wider net in terms of audience but also repurpose content from the episode you appear on into long-form conversations. For example, Alex Hormozi uses his podcast, The Game, to provide valuable discussions about running a successful business and overcoming the limiting beliefs entrepreneurs often set. 

3. Create A Loyal Community of Engaged Users

An online forum where your customers can come together and socialize ideas is highly beneficial and one of the most underutilized tools for a SaaS company. Additionally, this space can be used as a post-podcast area where your loyal and most engaged listeners can continue the conversation after your podcast episode is released. 

4. Create Useful Videos

With the attention span of consumers halving every year, videos are an excellent tool for building awareness, whether just reusing blog content into video format or a product-relevant sales letter. However, we have noticed that some of the most successful videos focus on the founder's story and what led them to build the product or real users' success stories. 

5. Host a Webinar 

Most people purchase products because of the person that’s selling the product. A series of webinars hosted by knowledgeable individuals in your company that are industry experts will directly correlate to more qualified and purchase-ready leads. Establishing these people as thought-leaders and allowing your customers and partners to choose which webinar they want to attend based on the covered subject is highly effective. This is because you’re building a killer brand based on industry sophistication and knowledge around your SaaS while uplifting your customers since you’re increasing exposure with more practical, actionable knowledge. 

6. Create Interactive Content

As stated before, the average attention span of digital consumers now requires content to be dynamic, easily accessible, and, most importantly, as engaging as humanly possible. By transforming your content marketing efforts into interactive pieces of content, you’ll be able to maximize the engagement of your web visitors while generating more interest in the product offerings of your SaaS. 

The content across your web pages, infographics, blog posts, and eBooks provide areas where you can test interactive quizzes that share information with your audience in a fun, engaging manner. 

Plan and Execute A Winning Content Marketing Strategy with Alo Media Group. 

Even though prospects who visit your website will be familiar with consuming information digitally, poorly written content will cause them to lose interest, and your website's overall growth stagnates. 

Our advice to SaaS companies is to simply find a creative way to present the knowledge you’d love to share. 

Our six tips will help you craft engaging content that leads to more engagements and conversions. So consider implementing these tips into your content marketing strategy to generate more effective engagement from your web visitors. 

Alo Media Group has been helping B2B SaaS companies grow their revenue, sales, and leads with our digital marketing solutions since 2020. 

Get started today with your free Traffic Projection Analysis.  

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