Common Misconceptions When It Comes to SEO for B2B Companies

Alex Tchouangwa
January 4, 2023
 min to read

Though about 210 people search for the phrase "SEO is dead" monthly, this is far from the truth. 61% of B2B marketers get more traffic from optimized organic content than anything else.

Those searching for anti-SEO phrases usually aren't actually against the practice. They just have some common misconceptions about SEO, how it works, and what it does. Read on to learn about some common yet incorrect beliefs about SEO for B2B companies... and to bust the myths.

B2B Companies Don't Get Results From SEO

Many people believe that SEO doesn't yield results for B2B organizations. However, this is statistically false.

About 71% of B2B consumers primarily use Google search to find out information about the businesses they plan to purchase from. These people usually make around 12 Google searches before making their final decision about who to work with. 58% of organizations using digital marketing believe they are successful.

Because of this, 60% of B2B enterprises use SEO strategies to boost their visibility. This is critical since over 90% of websites get no traffic from Google whatsoever.

Investing in a top-notch SEO campaign means that you'll find B2B consumers in all stages of the sales funnel. Whether they're on their first search or their twelfth, you'll have the chance to make multiple impressions.

This earns you results because people prefer to get information on Google before choosing a B2B enterprise to work with. You'll be more visible, but you also will be more reputable-looking and trustworthy. This naturally leads to conversions.

SEO Is Nothing But Keywords and Links

When many B2B business owners think of SEO, they think of keywords and link building.

These are two critical aspects of any SEO strategy. You need to find high-volume, low-competition keywords. You also need to include both internal and external links in your content.

Still, they are far from the only aspect of a great SEO campaign.

Some other things to consider include:

  • Optimizing your meta descriptions
  • Title tags
  • Creating quality content that makes users stick around
  • Structuring content in a crawlable way
  • Alt text
  • SSL
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine marketing (to drive inbound traffic)
  • Guest posting/content syndication/inbound links from other sources
  • Local SEO (claiming your Google Business Profile, etc)

So, contrary to what many people think, SEO is more than only keywords and backlinks. There are a lot of things that you must do. Professionals can help you make sure that you don't miss anything so your next digital marketing campaign is comprehensive and impactful.

All Backlinks Are Awesome

Backlinks are definitely critical to any SEO strategy, but you need to use high-quality backlinks to yield results. These links direct people back to your pages and are great for visibility, indexing, and building your domain authority (DA).

However, if you use sites with low DA, your page will also look unreputable.

When you include a backlink on your website, you're giving the linked page a vote of confidence. That's the content that you're saying is important, so that's the content that Google Crawlers will associate with your business.

You want these bots to associate you with other high-DA websites in your industry. It makes you look competitive and knowledgeable. You also want to associate with domains that get a lot of traffic.

It's also critical that you don't link to your direct competitors. This takes consumers to another site they may investigate and purchase B2B services from. This makes sense since you've linked to them - in the buyer's eyes, they logically must provide something you can't.

Google Crawlers also follow similar logic. By voting for a direct competitor, you show indexing bots that they're better than you.

Your Page Will Rank Higher if You Use More Keywords

Keywords are also extremely important. With the SEMrush keyword magic tool, find keywords that have:

  • A search volume (SV) of 100+ (the higher, the better)
  • A keyword difficulty (KD) score of 80+ (the lower, the better)

However, regardless of how awesome your keywords are, you can't overuse them.

Overloading your webpage with keywords is called "keyword stuffing." This attempt to manipulate your ranking in SERPs used to work for businesses, but Google Crawlers have caught onto it.

Now, when they see that you're keyword stuffing, they will push your page down in SERPs. This is because they know that the content is low-quality, annoying to consumers, and nothing more than an effort to trick them into raising your rankings.

Content Quality Doesn't Matter

Many people who think keyword stuffing is a legitimate strategy also often think that the content of their website doesn't impact their rankings. However, this couldn't be further from the place.

Content is king!

For one thing, consumers aren't going to stay on a site with poor content quality. This increases your bounce rate and shows Google Crawlers that you're not interesting enough for people to browse. It also irritates site visitors who might otherwise make purchases, so it's a double-whammy.

Quality content increases your user experience and lets people dwell on your page. Dwell time is a good signal to Google that your content is interesting, so your rankings will go up.

Make sure that all content is user-friendly. Use short paragraphs and get to the point. Make posts that users will actually be interested in.

The bottom line is that you need to make content for your target audience... not for search engines.

Get Started With SEO for B2B Companies

Now that you know some common misconceptions about SEO for B2B companies, it's time to get started. A comprehensive SEO strategy is one of the best ways to generate organic traffic, but only when it's done right.

Working with experienced professionals at Accretion Engine is the best way to ensure that you boost your visibility. We're committed to helping you come up with a B2B marketing plan that works for your specific business, so contact us today for a free traffic analysis.

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